We get a lot of letters from our customers throughout the country about how using Blephadex has changed their lives. People of all ages and lifestyles tell us their stories of how their doctor, friend, or internet search led them to discover one of our Blephadex products and the ways it has improved their eye health. Hannah, 52, recently reached out to share her story, and we wanted to pass along her letter about how Blephadex changed her life.
“I could barely get through a day of work.”
When I stopped being able to easily open my eyes in the morning, I knew something was wrong.
Like most people, I’d woken up with some sort of eye crust and blurriness for most of my life. When I turned 52, I started to notice more and more buildup. I’d have to use my hands to open my eyelids in the morning because it felt like they were glued shut. The skin around my eyelids started flaking off too, and my eyes would water excessively all day. Because I live in Denver, I initially chalked it up to the dry mountain air.
Eventually, my eyes became so inflamed and irritated I couldn’t keep up with my running schedule. Before I started showing symptoms of an eye condition, I was running five times a week, anywhere from four to eight miles. At the peak of my eye irritation, I could barely get through a day of work.
My eyes were always itchy and burning. I’d try cool compresses, warm compresses and moisturizing eye drops to just try to get a little relief. My vision would sometimes start to decline at the end of the day, even though I’ve seen perfectly without the help of glasses or contacts my whole life. At this time, after just a few hours of staring at a computer screen, my vision would start to get a little hazy.
“Would I have irreversible vision loss?”
I fell down the rabbit hole of googling my symptoms and diagnosing myself with rare and severe eye diseases. I finally decided to ease my anxieties and schedule an appointment with my eye doctor. Having had 20/20 vision my whole life, I probably hadn’t gone to the eye doctor in a decade or more. I thought if I didn’t need an eyeglass prescription, there really wasn’t any reason to go.
Long story short, I was wrong. I went to my optometrist and explained my symptoms to her, so she examined my eyes using a special magnifying glass. She diagnosed me quickly and confidently; I had blepharitis, an eyelid inflammation, and dry eye. I had never heard of blepharitis before, and my mind was racing through all the different things it could mean. Would I need eye surgery or to start wearing contacts? Would I have irreversible vision loss?
To my surprise, my eye doctor recommended an at-home, daily-use product that was supposed to treat all my symptoms. I was skeptical, considering how much pain and irritation my eyes had been feeling. The product was Blephadex wipes, which combine tea tree and coconut oils to help treat symptoms of blepharitis and dry eye. I went home that day and tried Blephadex for the first time and could not believe how instant the relief was.
“I was able to start my running routine again.”
After months of feeling like I wanted to stick my eyes in an ice bucket, I used these wipes and my eyes instantly felt better. I did some research and found out that the coconut oil actually soothes and calms your eye to offer immediate relief, while the tea tree oil cleanses all the bacteria and debris from your eyes for long-term treatment.
When I started using these wipes daily, I noticed a major difference in my eyes’ swelling, their ability to open in the morning, and how long I could focus at work without itching or burning. After about two weeks of regular use, I had no symptoms at all. I was able to start my running routine again.
What surprised me most about Blephadex was the price. A box is only $26.95 for a month’s supply, and they have an auto ship option, so I don’t have to worry about remembering to reorder them every month.
“Blephadex has completely transformed my life after being diagnosed with blepharitis.”
Being able to open my eyes in the morning is something I used to take for granted; I don’t anymore. With Blephadex, I no longer have to worry about not making it through my work or exercise due to eye irritation. I spend so much time on self-care and hygiene, but I’d never really considered that my eyes need special treatment too.
Now I know how important it is to maintain a regular cleansing routine for my eyes. Blephadex wipes are easy to use, convenient and affordable. Blephadex has completely transformed my life after being diagnosed with blepharitis.
As I approach my mid-50s, I know I’m going to have to make some lifestyle and self-care changes to make sure I’m taking care of myself properly. Adding Blephadex to my daily routine makes me feel that much better knowing I’m using a product that is doctor-recommended and helps me ensure the long-term health of my eyes.