We’ve all sat in front of the computer, googling what deadly disease is causing our headache and upset stomach. We’ve convinced ourselves that we most certainly have that unpronounceable, rare condition with symptoms of chronic fatigue and muscle aches. However, when it comes to our eyes, we tend to ignore minor irritations that can often be indicative of a larger problem. Still, instead of making an appointment with an eye doctor, we pop in a couple eye drops and move on with our day. Now maybe your eyes are just a little dry, or perhaps your lack of sleep is causing redness and irritation. However, these can also be symptoms of lesser-known eye diseases. One rarely discussed eye disease that starts as a minor irritation is Pingueculitis. It is not exactly as scary as it sounds, but it can lead to some frustrating and painful symptoms if not identified and treated correctly. Luckily, we are here to talk to you all about Pingueculitis, how it happens, and how you can prevent or treat it.
A disease known as Pingueculitis is a condition in which small, yellowish bumps form on the eye as a result of overexposure to the sun, dust, or wind. These bumps are called Pinguecula and are not cancerous. However, they can prove to be irritating and, in extreme cases, inhibiting to those afflicted. When these bumps become inflamed, the pingueculae have become Pingueculitis. Redness, blurred vision, stinging, and the feeling of something in your eye are all common symptoms of the disease and can be seriously annoying when trying to go about your daily life. While it typically affects middle-aged to elderly people, a person of any age can suffer from Pingueculitis. People who live in dry climates or spend more time unprotected in the sun are more likely to contract this disease.
Now you may be thinking so I’m just supposed to stay indoors forever? Definitely not! We’ve laid out several steps you can take improve your daily eye care and protect yourself from harmful conditions.

Pingueculitis can be prevented by adding proactive eyecare measures into your daily life. First and foremost, remember the eyes are exposed to ultraviolet light daily. Doing your best to protect them by wearing sunglasses outdoors is an excellent way to lessen your risk of Pingueculitis. Wearing hats and staying in shaded areas also limit the amount of UV exposure, and therefore, the amount of risk to your eyes. Maintaining your eyes’ cleanliness and preventing them from drying is also important in preventing Pingueculitis. Dryness in eyes is commonly associated with both Pingueculitis and Demodex mites. Products like Blephadex’s Eyelid Wipes prevent the growth of Demodex mites, keeping your eyes properly moisturized. Demodex mites are commonly found in the eyelashes of adults and can lead to eye irritations and dryness. As you age your likelihood of hosting Demodex mites becomes higher, meaning the best time to start a preventative eyecare routine is now. You wouldn’t skip a shower for a whole week, so what makes you think your eyes are any different? Hygiene doesn’t stop at the skin, so make sure you’re using the proper treatments for common eye ailments.
If you think you may have Pingueculitis, the first step is making an appointment with your eye doctor, who will be able to give you an accurate diagnosis. From there, the treatment should be easy and effective. It can be cured by taking prescribed antibiotics after an initial exam from your eye doctor. Keeping the eye properly moisturized is helpful in alleviating any discomfort you may experience. You will most likely be given antibiotics in the form of a pill, cream, or eyedrops that may also decrease discomfort. Surgery is only recommended in the most severe cases, and it still relatively simple and risk-free.

We often write-off red, irritated eyes as no more than a side-effect of an overload of work, a lack of sleep, or a reality of seasonal allergies. Still, it is so important to listen to what your eyes tell you to see if there is something more serious going on. Symptoms of eye diseases can confuse the average person, so it is important to stay informed and contact your eye doctor when something feels off. To avoid spending an hour at the eye doctor and then several weeks waiting for eye irritation to subside, don’t wait until tomorrow to protect your eyes. Begin taking proactive solutions to your eye care routine today, and see a clearer future tomorrow.